Ticket buying help

We are either the organizer of or an official and authorized ticket partner for all concerts and concert packages offered on our websites. As such we sell tickets exclusively at face value - the same price you would pay at the evening ticket booth. All prices are total prices, including all taxes and statutory fees. We do not add any booking fees or shipping charges. We are not a reseller and do not provide second hand tickets.

How to order

  1. Select your concert and date and then click on Buy tickets.
  2. Select your seating category and the number of tickets you would like to buy.
    All prices stated are total prices including all applicable fees and charges and statutory VAT. We do not add any additional costs to the prices stated. Ticket delivery takes place electronically and incurs no shipping or handling fees.
    The seats at our concerts are not numbered. Seating will be assigned upon admittance to the concert hall according to ticket category. Our ushers will make sure that your seats are next to one another and in the same row.
  3. Fill in your personal details and click Next (Payment).
  4. Pay for your tickets:
  • Visa Mastercard American Express JCB Diners Club
    With credit card. You will be forwarded to our secure payment provider where you can safely enter your credit card details. We support American Express, Diners Club, JCB, Mastercard and Visa.
    Please keep in mind that payment with credit cards possibly requires entering your password and a mobile TAN.
    Additionally we also provide a printable order form with which you can fax your credit card information if you prefer.
  • Sofort-Überweisung von Klarna
    With SOFORT by Klarna. You will be forwarded to your online banking where you can pay directly with PIN / TAN. SOFORT is available in Austria, Germany, Belgium, Switzerland, Italy, Poland, Spain, Netherlands and Slovakia.
  • Paypal
    With Paypal. You can also pay directly from your Paypal account or use Paypal's guest checkout to pay with American Express, Mastercard, Visa or Discovery.
  • By bank transfer. You can also pay the ticket price by bank transfer. Note that this payment requires you to order early enough so that your payment will be credited to our account before the concert date.
  1. Immediately after completion of your payment you will receive an automated email confirmation of your order including all order details. Please verify this information and claim any noticeable deviation by replying to the confirmation.
    If you do not receive any email from us, make sure to look into the junk and spam folders of your emails, as we have no influence whether your provider considers messages from us erroneously as spam nor not. This depends exclusively on your email provider and your personal email settings. Please note that many providers automatically empty the spam folders after some time, so move the email to a safe folder (and mark them as not spam).
    If you use an external email client (like Thunderbird or Outlook) with some providers (hotmail.com or for example mail.ru), we recommend that you log in with your browser. It has happened a few times that certain setups do not download email that gets filtered at the server already.
    If you pay with bank transfer, the order confirmation will be sent once the payment is credited to our account.
  2. As soon as your seats are confirmed you will get another email containing your reservation number and your ticket as PDF attachment. This usually happens within a few business hours, or, if you order later at night, on the following day. Vienna uses Central European Time, which is UTC/GMT+1 and UTC/GMT+2 from the end of March to the end of October.
    In some rare cases, like for example if you order for more than six months in advance or the restaurant of a concert and dinner package has a holiday on the day of your order, it can take up to three days.
    You will however always receive your tickets in well enough time for your concert visit.
  3. You can then either pick up your tickets before the concert at the concert hall entrance with your name and reservation number or print them in advance for convenience.

Frequently asked questions and answers

Until when can I order?

Online ordering for the same day closes at 17:00.

Is it possible to change the concert date?

Yes, however we cannot guarantee that the date can be changed (as for some dates the events are possibly booked out). Changing to a different concert is not possible. Please contact us at least five days prior to the concert.

What happens when the concert is cancelled?

This is unlikely to happen. However, if a concert is cancelled, we will inform you immediately by email and, if no alternative date or concert can be arranged, refund the ticket price.

What is your policy on bringing young children?

Unless explicitly stated otherwise it is not permitted to bring children under the age of 5 to full-length concerts.